Impartiality Policy
Business Assessment Services is committed to impartiality in management system certification activities and ensures the objectivity of its management system activities. Business Assessment Services understands the importance of impartiality in carrying out its management system certification activities and manages conflict of Interest.
Business Assessment Services will comply with the requirements of ISO 17021:2015 and ensure its personnel understands the importance of impartiality in undertaking its Certification Activities. Business Assessment Services will therefore ensure that in all its dealings with clients or potential clients all employees or other personnel are and will remain impartial. To ensure that impartiality is both maintained and can be demonstrated the following principals have been established.
Business Assessment Services does not provide certification in cases of unacceptable threat to impartiality. There will be no offering of Certification when relationship that threaten impartiality cannot be eliminated or minimized.
Business Assessment Services does not offer management system consultancy or any other form of consultancy to companies or individuals.
Business Assessment Services does not offer an internal audit service to companies or individuals.
Business Assessment Services does not outsource audits to a management system consultancy organization, as this poses an unacceptable threat to the impartiality of the certification body.
Business Assessment Services does not do joined marketing activities with management system consultancy organization. Business Assessment Services does not state or imply that certification would be simpler, easier, faster or less expensive if services of specified management system consultancy organization are used.
Individuals employed by or otherwise contracted to Business Assessment Services are required to document and record their current and past relationships with all companies. Any situation past or present which may present a potential conflict of interest is required by Business Assessment Services to be declared. Business Assessment Services will use the information to identify any threats to impartiality and will not use that individual in any capacity unless they can demonstrate that there is no conflict of interest. The risk assessment will be undertaken by the Committee for Impartiality.
Business Assessment Services will not allocate a member of staff or sub-contractor to a management system audit where any past relationship has existed. Exceptionally and at the discretion of the Top Management, an individual or subcontractor may be allocated to a management system audit where a past relationship has existed but there has been no relationship for a minimum of 2 years. The risk assessment will be reviewed by the Committee for Impartiality.
Business Assessment Services does not offer any implementation training.
All employees will be reviewed at least annually to ensure that they remain impartial when conducting audits.